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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Qualities & Strategies of Peacemakers

Monday, 18. May 2020 - 18:45 to Friday, 19. June 2020 - 20:30

There are further opportunities to take part in a short online course of five evening modules based on short films about hands-on peacemakers in Europe and Africa, followed by interactive analysis of their strategies and qualities.

Peter Riddell, Convenor of IofC UK’s Agenda for Reconciliation programme, will introduce the films and facilitate the interactive case-studies. He has devoted several decades to working particularly with people who have suffered due to his nation’s colonial legacy.

For registration form click here.


18 May | 1 June | 15 June |18.45 for 19.00 - 21.00 The Man Who Built Peace
Director: Imad Karam, 2017 - 60 mins
Frank Buchman, the founder of IofC, had a remarkable impact on his age. After WW1, he launched a movement to rebuild a shattered world that made an impact on post-WW2 reconciliation. The film traces the development of his approach through interviews with people who worked with him and present-day historians.
NB: 1st module ends at 21.00 BST

19 May | 2 June | 16 June | 18.45 for 19.00 - 20.30 For the Love of Tomorrow
Director: David Channer - 30 mins
French socialist Irène Laure fought in the Resistance and hated the Germans so much that she wished to see Germany ‘totally destroyed’. After the war, she went on to play a significant role in the reconciliation of France and Germany. In the film she recalls the individuals who helped her make that transition, Buchman included.

20 May | 3 June | 17 June | 18.45 for 19.00 - 20.30 The Imam and the Pastor
Director: Alan Channer - 40mins
Imam Ashafa and Pastor Wuye fought each other in defending their communities in Northern Nigeria in the early ‘90s. The film shows how they went on to become co-directors of the Kaduna Interfaith Mediation Centre, training teams of pastors and imams to be mediators in flashpoints across Nigeria and beyond.

21 May | 4 June | 18 June | 18.45 for 19.00 An African Answer
Director: Alan Channer - 39 mins
The film is a masterclass in mediation, observing Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye (see previous film) as they employ the experience they gained from their work in Nigeria to help Kenyan tribespeople reconcile after post-election violence in 2007.

22 May | 5 June | 19 June | 18.45 for 19.00 - 20.30 Beyond Forgiving
Director: Imad Karam - 28 mins
In 1993 post-apartheid South Africa, Letlapa Mphalele, a guerrilla commander, ordered a shooting in a pub in Cape Town in which a white girl, Lyndi Fourie was killed. The film traces Lyndi’s mother Ginn’s quest to meet the man responsible for her killing, and the self-discovery that both experienced as a result.

Films and the facilitation will be in English with no translation.

A voluntary donation to Initiatives of Change UK would be appreciated