Monday, November 24, 2014

Creators of Peace Circles in Kisumu County

Fifteen women assembled for three days from 8-10 September, at the Shauri Moyo Baptist church in Kisumu to have a piece of the Creators of Peace Circles cake. The people of Kisumu eat a lot of fish prepared in a variety of ways. This high consumption has sometimes been touted as one of the causes of the generally high IQ levels in the region, and the eating of fish has become popular all over Kenya as a result.

During the 2007/2008 post election upheavels, Kisumu was marred by violence destroying lives and properties. Many souls have been left wounded and with great pain. Most of the women who attended the Creators of Peace Circles in Kisumu were survivors and victims of the post election violence. The session “Power of forgiveness” was very relevant and in Peace Circles bringing much healing to many of these women. This is evident by the hearty comments given by some of the women. ‘Since 2008, I have been going to Nairobi for weeks for psychological counselling due to the post election violence effects and trauma, but I have never been helped to be at peace. During these three days that we have shared, there has been a big change in my heart. It’s like I have been going to church and gotten transformed. Am so glad and grateful to our God and our facilitators,’ said Alice.

Another participant, Mourine, had this to say, ‘I have learnt that staying in the community can sometimes be difficult if your heart is full of pride. Humility, respect and forgiveness, I have learnt, is the medicine for a peaceful community.’

Ann shared that it was very difficult for her to forgive her father, because of the mistreatment they received from him when they were young. Thanks to the power of forgiveness session, she managed to write a letter to her father even though he has passed away already.

Dorcas, who is a representative of the internally displaced people in Kisumu, shared a moving story. Her husband was cheating on her with her cousin and it was a very challenging time for her. She even tried to kill her cousin, but she only managed to cut her arm. She was taken to court and all paths seemed to be taking her to jail but somehow things changed and it is her husband and the cousin who were jailed. She then chose to forgive her husband, the father of her children as well as her cousin and asked the court not to jail them. She is reunited with her husband but of course there have been a lot of disconnects within the family. The Peace Circles gave her the courage to go and initiate genuine forgiveness and healing in her relationship with her husband and also with her cousin.

As the training came to a conclusion, the women decided in unison to act and change their community starting with themselves, their families and neighbourhood. They also decided that they will visit people in prisons, market areas, hospitals and even administration institutions with the message of peace as well as collect and share ideas on how to improve their economic status.

The area District Commissioner graced the certificate awarding ceremony and even promised to help Creators of Peace, in conjunction with the women in the area, to get resources that will enable them to reach more women in the interior areas and help heal more souls.

It is with much appreciation and humility that we wish to thank the Irene Prestwitch (IPT) for the financial support that made this Creators of Peace possible.

Report by: EstherMarrie Inzekellah and  Mediatrix Masava.