Thursday, April 17, 2014

The work of 'Initiatives for Land, Lives, Peace' in Kenya was highlighted in the quarterly Newsletter of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.

The UNCCD Executive Secretary, Monique Barbut, writes in the newsletter's editorial:

'We are still in the early stages of exploring the link between land degradation and security. To get a clearer picture of the human connections between poverty, conflict and environmental degradation, the UNCCD secretariat is partnering with CAUX - Initiatives of Change for the 2014 Caux Dialogue on Land and Security, an international conference to take place in Switzerland this summer. I am looking forward to fruitful discussions at Caux..... '

The article also mentions An African Answer, the latest documentary from FLTfilms: 'The film depicts an African initiative to foster healing and reconciliation, and in Baringo, it had a powerful impact. By the end of the seminar, the community leaders had developed a shared vision and an action plan to end cattle rustling in their county.'

For the 2014 Caux Dialogue on Land and Security (30 June to 4 July) and for more information about Initiatives for Land, Lives and Peace, see our website……

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