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IofC's growing film coverage includes inspiring stories from all over the world that demonstrate how a personal change can impact wider change in society.
A Journey of Healing for Reconciliation in South Sudan
On 25 November 2012, a public announcement of 'a first-ever comprehensive peace and national reconciliation conference to try and heal the mental wounds that have visibly divided ... communities over the years,' was made in Juba by the Vice President of South Sudan. The conference, along with training for 200 peace activists, will make up phase 1 of a five-year project. Follow the campaign, become a part from where you are, join in the healing.
Ann Njeri: Peace and Reconciliation
Kenyan activist, Ann Njeri, tells how 'Creators of Peace' led her through a personal struggle to start tackling tribalism in her country.
Being the change you wish to see in the world:
Four steps for Change

Most people want to see the world change. But how do you do it? How do you "be the change you wish to see in the world"? Initiatives of Change shares four simple steps for being a changemaker: make space for reflection, start with yourself, dialogue in diversity and take focussed action.
IofC Kenya launches Clean Elections Campaign
A programme of Initiatives of Change Kenya. Aimed at securing the nation against violence that the country has previously experienced in the past. We are dedicated to building trust and modelling the transformation we all long for.
An African Answer
A six minute trailer of 'An African Answer' which depicts an African initiative to foster healing and reconciliation. Shot in Kenya, the film premiered at the Serena Hotel in Nairobi on 11 June 2010 and went on to tour areas of the country affected by violence.
The Imam and the Pastor
'The Imam and the Pastor' depicts the astonishing reconciliation between Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye, and the peace-making initiatives which have flowed from it. The film, narrated by Rageh Omaar, shows that it is possible for the perpetrators of inter-religious violence to become instigators of peace. It is both a story of forgiveness and a case study of grass-root initiatives to rebuild communities torn apart by conflict.
Other films
The first all-African colour film made in Africa. 'Beautifully photographed and impressively presented.' Hollywood Reporter, 1957 'Surprise success at the Berlin Festival (1957) has been scored by an unusual film called FREEDOM.
Is he my Brother?
This film is about two Kenyans - one black, one white. Stanley Kinga was in the Mau Mau, a secret society formed to liberate the country from British colonial rule. Alan Knight, a farmer, was commandant of a prison camp during the Mau Mau uprising. They both found themselves in situations where their consciences were deeply troubled. As the film unfolds, Knight and Kinga share their experiences of forgiveness. They demonstrate that it is possible 'to love thine enemy', and for enemies to become friends.
Voice of the Hurricane
This action-packed story of death and deliverance touches on some of the issues the independence struggle in Africa has had to deal with. Set in East Africa, it traces the story of white liberals trying to bridge the divide between black revolutionaries and right-wing white colonialists in a country struggling to deal with the aspirations of its people. Starring US actress, Muriel Smith, as a determined rebellion leader, the film sketches the drama of ordinary men and women learning how to forgive and learn to trust each other.
Man for All People
This is a short documentary on the life of South African struggle icon, Dr William Nkomo. He was a founder member and first president, in 1944, of the African National Congress Youth League. He was a leading fighter for black rights in apartheid South Africa. Through his involvement in Moral Rearmament in the early 1950s, he embraced non-violence. Throughout his life he worked for the upliftment and development of his fellow countrymen and is still honoured for this in South Africa. The documentary captures some of the turning points in his life and one of his greatest speeches, delivered in Caux, Switzerland, not long before his death.
Promise of the Veld
Roly Kingwill's sheep farm lies in South Africa's semi-arid Karoo. This documentary explores his radical response to a challenge to live for something much greater than just exploiting his land and his workers for the biggest return. He came to the realization that the land was dying through over-grazing and severe erosion and that only he could change this. Taking his Christian faith more seriously, he dropped his authoritarian approach to his workers and adopted radical methods of soil conservation.
There are many more videos available in our online shop.