Wednesday, October 19, 2011

'Kenya I Care' has continued to roll up activities in the different regions of Kenya in a bid to shape the future of the country. Samuel Muiruri tells the story.

Kerotet Secondary School During the month of August and September, the young people who are running the programme in Nakuru have managed to reach out to many educational institutions and youth groups, addressing various areas and concerns that affect the young people. Some of these activities have been at the request of group leaders, school administration and church leaders. Some of the topics/concerns we have addressed include personal leadership, HIV/AIDs, drugs abuse, sexuality, relationships and peace building. These areas are very important and paramount as far as the young people are concerned.

My perception about personal responsibility about my own country and society has been shaped by your presence and presentation’ said Karen, a young lady who participated in a retreat for young people in Kisumu city after a 'Kenya I Care' presentation. We have managed to reach youth groups, schools and polytechnics. What is amazing is how people appreciate the content of the programme. Every time we have these sessions with young people, at first they feel bad about their society but at the end of everything they are able to appreciate that yes…. all is not lost. Something can be done. They appreciate the fact that the broken world can be rebuilt and restored.

The programme is giving a pillar of leadership to young people. A journey of self discovery that makes them realize how critical it is to change self before trying to change others. It is encouraging young people to go deep within themselves and reflect on the process of personal growth and make commitments on how we can make the society a better place.

Team in Bungoma

Yes… we have confronted young people’s thinking, stimulated their hearts and catalysed their energy to come down and face the reality. We have to be guided by principles in order for us to act wisely and courageously to welcome change. A different story has to be written for Kenya. ‘I have always wanted the best for myself and sometimes even used the wrong channels to attain money and prestige; but today I have realized that I am living in the world of greed and selfishness. I promise to change and share and care enough.’ commented one of the young people in a youth rally.

We wish to express our appreciation to all the institutions and youth groups that have given us the chance to interact and share with them. Among these are the following: Kisumu Youth Retreat, Moi Forces Academy, Lanet Apostolic Youth Rally, Rutara Primary School, Kabazi Youth Group, Alour Primary School, and Alour Secondary School.

By Samuel Muiruri