
Saturday, 27 July, 2019

Creators of Peace and the City of Johannesburg Graduation Ceremony its a Collaboration that hosted the graduation ceremony for 300 participants who went through the Social intervention programme to upgrade the disadvantage communities. This is the 5th group of graduates of this programme. Many modules are explored during this programme, e.g. Emotional Intelligence, Rights and Responsibilities, Occupational Skills, Spiritual well-being, Health, to name a few.  Creators of Peace and Initiatives of Change (IofC) were approached by this department within the City of Johannesburg, to help with the module of ‘Inner Healing’.   This is the second year that the Creators of Peace Circles team have been part of this intervention programme.

Saturday, 27 July, 2019

The Art Dialogue aimed to help the participants deepen their understanding of freedom and give the concept a new meaning in their lives. Secondly, have people spend their day appreciating artwork from their fellow community members who are unknown or unrecognized to hear their stories behind their art and that helped them free themselves while gaining a new perspective on life.  It was also an opportunity to share thoughts through fun activities and engage in a conversation about their freedom in South Africa.

Saturday, 27 July, 2019

The residential area that was formerly a farm named Vlakfontein, situated South of Johannesburg is now an area occupied by the most disadvantaged diverse community with daily challenges of abuse, suicides, gangsterism, hate, anger and children being orphaned. The invitation to go through a Creators of Peace Circle was for the group to find inner healing from past traumas; to lead a positive and better lifestyle; have‘self-forgiveness’ and acceptance as well as forgiveness for the perpetrators who have caused their pain; develop better communication skills; deal with anger and move forward in life and reach their dreamt-of goals. Ninety percent of the participated young men and women have gone through severe traumas and never received any counseling.

Saturday, 27 July, 2019

Creators of Peace Circle were hosted at a community center at Ivory Park, North of Johannesburg from the 15th – 17th May 2019. The 20 participants of men and women to attend the Creators of Peace Circle, Inner healing initiative as part of the City of Johannesburg's program to socially uplift youth to be employable.

Saturday, 27 July, 2019

The #RobinHoodMovement is a Character building initiative to schools that are highly challenged with teacher learner relationship and violence. the curriculum aims to develop Organizing, Communication, Planning, Leadership, Basic Counselling, Time Management, Problem Solving, Business Etiquette, Anger Management and Emotional Intelligence skills. These skills obtained will be practically applied by challenging the learner to pass them on to their peers in and around the school, putting fresh and new energy into the lives of the young people.

Tuesday, 14 May, 2019

Speaking during the official opening of the forum, Ms. Tike Mwabipile, head of the Tanzania Women Lawyers Association, said, “Youths in our nations should adopt the approach of ‘thinking outside the box’.  In the environments where over-recycled, sit-tight leadership prevails, the persistent approach of youths thinking outside the box would fast-track positive change in leadership.”Fifty six youths gathered in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania for the 6th Eastern Africa Youth Forum (EAYF6) under the them ‘Ethical Leadership, Key to Better Nations’. The forum ceremoniously kicked off at the venue, Serene Hotel on 3rd April with the East African Anthem followed by the host traditional dance by a Tanzanian group of dancers. The Forum brought together young leaders representing seven countries from the Eastern Africa bloc, namely Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya. 

Thursday, 18 July, 2019

The Creators of Peace (CoP) team had to postpone their visit to the Alexandra community because the streets were closed and the vandalising of cars and buildings was taking place.  However, between 10th - 12th April we finally had the time in the midst of violence in some areas and heavy rains, to facilitate a group of 32 men and women in a Creators of Peace Circle at the community library in Alexandra, north of Johannesburg. 

Wednesday, 29 May, 2019

Creators of Peace in Durban Deep, A participant mentioned that she was abused and had lost her personal values. She could not even walk on the streets because she felt the community would see her shame. She was also not comfortable playing with other kids, until she had dealt with the abuse through counselling and slowly regained her value s as a woman.From 12th ­to 14th March, 2019, Creators of Peace (CoP) visited a community in Durban Deep, a former mining area east of Johannesburg.  Thirty-two women and one man entered into the process of the Peace Circle (PC) coming from as far afield as Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Free State and Mpumalanga, however residing in Durban Deep as means to get the liberation needed for a successful.

Thursday, 18 July, 2019

The Creators of Peace team, on the 6th March 6th visited Diepkloof Welfare Centre to Check in on the participants who had been through a Peace Circle two weeks earlier. There was eagerness from the participants with regards to finding out about the progress among each other. the time together was motivational and inspiring to see and hear of changes made.

Saturday, 30 March, 2019

The opening remarks by Roy Ncube of Zimbabwe who is the Convener of Africa Coordination Group during the opening ceremony expressed a Jewish Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson quote,”If you see what needs to be repaired and how to repair it, then you have found a piece of the world that God has left for you to complete. But if you only see what is wrong and what is ugly in the world, then it is you yourself that needs repair”. This set a tone of responsibility for all participants to avoid finger pointing, but instead take action in restoring what we can in Africa. As had been said, failure is part of success.
